
Classes to describe the virtual-lab view and to set-up the virtual-lab


VLabModels package

VLabModels package includes the PartialView and the VirtualLab classes. These two classes are required to describe the virtual-lab view and to set-up the virtual-lab, respectively.


Package Content

Name Description
Interactive.VLabModels.VirtualLab VirtualLab Class containing instances of the model and view description
Interactive.VLabModels.PartialView PartialView Super-class of the model describing the virtual-lab view


Class containing instances of the model and view description


The class describing the complete virtual-lab has to contain an instance of VirtualLab class. The virtual-lab designer has to set the name of the model and the view classes.

VirtualLab class has the following parameters:
  • Extends from src.VLabModel.VirtualLab (Class describing the complete virtual-lab).


    TcomCommunication interval
    fileNameName of the view file
    sourceCodePathPath where the C-functions, dll library with the view components and delayrun.exe are located
    compilationThe C++ GUI must be compiled using Visual C++ 64 bits
    launchView0/1 not/yes launch the view
    numberGUINumber of GUI running simultaneously
    ipAddressIP of the simulation server
    serverPortServer Port number
    replaceable model ViewIClass describing the virtual-lab view
    replaceable model ModelIClass describing the virtual-lab model

    Interactive.VLabModels.PartialView Interactive.VLabModels.PartialView

    Super-class of the model describing the virtual-lab view


    PartialView class has to be the super-class of the model describing the virtual-lab view. The communication interval (i.e., time interval between to consecutive model-view communications) is a parameter of this class (Tcom), that can be set by the virtual-lab developer. PartialView class contains a pre-defined component: the root element for the view description.

    Extends from src.VLabModel.PartialView (Partial model required as base class for the view description model).


    TcomCommunication interval
    serverPortServer Port number
    launchView0/1 not/yes launch the view
    ipAddressip Address
    sourceCodePathPath where the C-functions, Library.dll and pRun.exe are located
    numberGUINumber of GUIs
    fileNameCpp file name
    refreshViewTrue only when the model-view communication is established
    Automatically generated Thu Apr 28 12:24:20 2022.