Case Study I: Hysteresis - Based Controller
  Carla Martín-Villalba
  Departamento de Informática y Automática, UNED
  Juan del Rosal 16, 28040 Madrid, Spain

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The interactive simulation of the control loop shown in Figure 1 is implemented by combining the use of Sysquake and Modelica/Dymola. The constitutive relation of the hysteresis-based controller in shown in Figure2. The setpoint is the composition of two signals: a piecewise linear function and a sine function. The model of the control loop has been programmed using Modelica language and translated using Dymola. The execution of the dymosim.exe file generated by Dymola is controlled by the Sysquake application (i.e., the virtual-lab view) using sysquakeDymosimInterface functions.
Figure 1: Control loop.
Figure 2: Constitutive relation of the controller.
The view of the virtual-lab is the Sysquake application shown in Figure 3. The user can display the virtual-lab view documentation (an HTML page) by pressing the "info" icon. The system plant transfer function can be inserted by writing its numerator and denominator in a dialog window that is display by clicking on the option "System" of the "Settings" menu. The user can perform a new simulation run by clicking on the "Run" button placed on the "Settings" menu. The view is composed of four graphics. Three of them are interactive:
- "Constitutive relation" plot (graphic on the upper left). The position of the {a, b, c, d, e, f} points of the controller constitutive relation can be changed by dragging the mouse.
- "Roots" plot (graphic on the lower left). The plant's zeros and poles can be changed by clicking on the circles and crosses and by dragging the mouse.
- "Reference" plot (graphic on the lower right). The shape of the piecewise linear function and the amplitude and frequency of the sine function can be modified by clicking on the lines and circles that appear in the graphic and by dragging the mouse.
Figure 3: View of the control loop virtual-lab.

Carla Martin-Villalba
Last update: July 2007
euclides web server - Dept. Informatica y Automatica, UNED, Juan del Rosal 16, 28040 Madrid, Spain