
Quadruple Tank Process



Quadruple Tank Process

Package Content

interactiveModel Interactive model
physicalModel Physical model
setParamVar Model including the when required to change the value of the interactive parameters and input variables
StateSelection1 State variables: liquid level
StateSelection2 State variables: liquid volume


Interactive model

Modelica definition

model interactiveModel "Interactive model" 
  input Real Iparam[25] "New value of the interactive parameters";
  input Real Ivar[2] "New value of the interactive variables";
  input Real Istate[8] "New value of the state variables";
  input Real CKparam[2] 
    "Trigger the when that reinitializes the value of the interactive parameters";
  input Real CKvar[2] 
    "Trigger the when that reinitializes the value of the interactive variables";
  input Real CKstate[2] 
    "Trigger the when that reinitializes the value of the state variables";
  input Real Enabled[2];
  output Real O[16] "Ouput variable";
  output Real Release[1] "Release signal";
  StateSelection1 SS1( CKparam = CKparam[1],
                       CKvar =   CKvar[1],
                       CKstate = CKstate[1]);
  StateSelection2 SS2( CKparam = CKparam[2],
                       CKvar =   CKvar[2],
                       CKstate = CKstate[2]);
  Iparam = SS1.Iparam;
  Istate = SS1.Istate;
  Ivar = SS1.Ivar;
  Iparam = SS2.Iparam;
  Istate = SS2.Istate;
  Ivar = SS2.Ivar;
  Release = {9.0};
  O = if Enabled[1] > 0.5 then 
                  SS1.O else 
                  if Enabled[2] > 0.5 then 
                       SS2.O else 
                       zeros(size(O, 1));
end interactiveModel;


Physical model



BooleanisState[8] Vector controlling the state selection

Modelica definition

partial model physicalModel "Physical model" 
  input Real Iparam[25] "New value of the interactive parameters";
  input Real Ivar[2] "New value of the interactive variables";
  input Real Istate[8] "New value of the state variables";
  output Real O[16] "Output vector";
  parameter Boolean[8] isState "Vector controlling the state selection";
  componentsLIB.tank tank1(hIsState=isState[1], volumeIsState=isState[5]);
  componentsLIB.tank tank2(hIsState=isState[2], volumeIsState=isState[6]);
  componentsLIB.tank tank3(hIsState=isState[3], volumeIsState=isState[7]);
  componentsLIB.tank tank4(hIsState=isState[4], volumeIsState=isState[8]);
  componentsLIB.sink sink;
  componentsLIB.pipe pipeT3T1(FIsState=false);
  componentsLIB.pipe pipeT1Sink(FIsState=false);
  componentsLIB.pipe pipeT4T2(FIsState=false);
  componentsLIB.pipe pipeT2Sink(FIsState=false);
  componentsLIB.pumpTwoWayValve pumpValve1;
  componentsLIB.pumpTwoWayValve pumpValve2;
  connect(tank1.portBottom, pipeT1Sink.portP);
  connect(pipeT1Sink.portN, sink.port);
  connect(tank1.portTop, pumpValve1.port1);
  connect(tank1.portTop, pipeT3T1.portN);
  connect(tank2.portBottom, pipeT2Sink.portP);
  connect(pipeT2Sink.portN, sink.port);
  connect(tank2.portTop, pumpValve2.port1);
  connect(tank2.portTop, pipeT4T2.portN);
  connect(tank3.portBottom, pipeT3T1.portP);
  connect(tank3.portTop, pumpValve2.port2);
  connect(tank4.portBottom, pipeT4T2.portP);
  connect(tank4.portTop, pumpValve1.port2);
  O = {tank1.h,tank2.h,tank3.h,tank4.h,pipeT3T1.F,pipeT1Sink.F,pipeT4T2.
    -pumpValve1.port1.volFlow, -pumpValve2.port1.volFlow,
    -pumpValve2.port2.volFlow, -pumpValve1.port2.volFlow};
end physicalModel;


Model including the when required to change the value of the interactive parameters and input variables



BooleanisState[8] Vector controlling the state selection

Modelica definition

model setParamVar 
  "Model including the when required to change the value of the interactive parameters and input variables" 
  extends physicalModel;
  Real CKparam 
    "Trigger the when that reinitializes the value of the interactive parameters";
  Real CKvar 
    "Trigger the when that reinitializes the value of the interactive variables";
  Boolean CKparamIs0( start = true, fixed=true);
  Boolean CKvarIs0(   start = true, fixed=true);
  when CKparam > 0.5 and     pre(CKparamIs0) or 
       CKparam < 0.5 and not pre(CKparamIs0) then
    CKparamIs0 = CKparam < 0.5;
    reinit(pumpValve1.gamma, Iparam[1]);
    reinit(pumpValve1.k,     Iparam[2]);
    reinit(pumpValve2.gamma, Iparam[3]);
    reinit(pumpValve2.k,     Iparam[4]);
    reinit(tank1.tankSection, Iparam[5]);
    reinit(tank2.tankSection, Iparam[6]);
    reinit(tank3.tankSection, Iparam[7]);
    reinit(tank4.tankSection, Iparam[8]);
    reinit(pipeT3T1.a,   Iparam[9]);
    reinit(pipeT1Sink.a, Iparam[10]);
    reinit(pipeT4T2.a,   Iparam[11]);
    reinit(pipeT2Sink.a, Iparam[12]);
    reinit(tank1.alfa1, Iparam[13]);
    reinit(tank2.alfa1, Iparam[14]);
    reinit(tank3.alfa1, Iparam[15]);
    reinit(tank4.alfa1, Iparam[16]);
    reinit(tank1.alfa2, Iparam[17]);
    reinit(tank2.alfa2, Iparam[18]);
    reinit(tank3.alfa2, Iparam[19]);
    reinit(tank4.alfa2, Iparam[20]);
    reinit(tank1.beta, Iparam[21]);
    reinit(tank2.beta, Iparam[22]);
    reinit(tank3.beta, Iparam[23]);
    reinit(tank4.beta, Iparam[24]);
    tank1.generateEvents = Iparam[25] > 0.5;
    tank2.generateEvents = Iparam[25] > 0.5;
    tank3.generateEvents = Iparam[25] > 0.5;
    tank4.generateEvents = Iparam[25] > 0.5;
  end when;
  when CKvar > 0.5 and     pre(CKvarIs0) or 
       CKvar < 0.5 and not pre(CKvarIs0) then
    CKvarIs0 = CKvar < 0.5;
    reinit(pumpValve1.v, Ivar[1]);
    reinit(pumpValve2.v, Ivar[2]);
  end when;
end setParamVar;


State variables: liquid level



BooleanisState[8] Vector controlling the state selection

Modelica definition

model StateSelection1 "State variables: liquid level" 
  extends setParamVar(isState={true,true,true,true,false,false,false,false});
  Real CKstate 
    "Trigger the when that reinitializes the value of the state variables";
  Boolean CKstateIs0( start = true, fixed=true);
  when CKstate > 0.5 and     pre(CKstateIs0) or 
       CKstate < 0.5 and not pre(CKstateIs0) then
    CKstateIs0 = CKstate < 0.5;
    reinit(tank1.h, Istate[1]);
    reinit(tank2.h, Istate[2]);
    reinit(tank3.h, Istate[3]);
    reinit(tank4.h, Istate[4]);
  end when;
end StateSelection1;


State variables: liquid volume



BooleanisState[8] Vector controlling the state selection

Modelica definition

model StateSelection2 "State variables: liquid volume" 
  extends setParamVar(isState={false,false,false,false,true,true,true,true});
  Real CKstate;
  Boolean CKstateIs0( start = true, fixed=true);
  when CKstate > 0.5 and     pre(CKstateIs0) or 
       CKstate < 0.5 and not pre(CKstateIs0) then
    CKstateIs0 = CKstate < 0.5;
    reinit(tank1.volume, Istate[5]);
    reinit(tank2.volume, Istate[6]);
    reinit(tank3.volume, Istate[7]);
    reinit(tank4.volume, Istate[8]);
  end when;
end StateSelection2;

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